Women Commission has been focusing in rural areas along with urban areas. Literacy and education have spread due to various schemes of the government and because of this the commission is getting success in carrying the information of rights to the women in rural areas. Media is also playing an important role in showing sensitivity towards issues related to women.
It was said that Capital punishment is very important. It was also suggested that they should be made impotent so they repent every day of their life. It is very important, unless such punishments are meted to the culprits, women will not feel secure in our country. Just passing a resolution won’t be sufficient and the step needs to be backed by strong action.
This was all the main theme of the seminar “Fostering Women (Mahila Adhikarita)” which was organized with the joint association of National Women Commission and MESSAGE Institution, an event held at Biyani Group of Colleges, State capital of Rajasthan, Jaipur.
It was also told us that women victims of rape cases face tribulations as the officials are not aware of their responsibilities, powers and jurisdiction. In the series of inaugural program, Purnima koul convener MESSAGE institution welcomed the guests and introduced the topics of workshop.
There were two sessions held in the seminar. First session took the round table conference, in which students of Law from ModiCollege, Lakshmangarh, took part with their own presentations in pairs. At the end of the first session, an open discussion was held, so that everybody’s thoughts and questions were put forth and discussed about.
After lunch the second session started in which it was the time to share the thoughts of the chief guests gathered for the purpose. Started with a little introduction about MESSAGE Institution, Mayor Jyoti Khandelwal, (Municipal Corporation, Jaipur) said that, “The mindset about violence against women would change only when women themselves stand up to eliminate the difference between darkness and light and declared categorically that there would be no compromise with the criminals.
Hon’ble guest Jyoti Khendelwal (Municipal Corporation, Jaipur)) Dr. Vidya Jain; Dean Centre for Gandhian Studies, University of Rajasthan, Prof.Pawan Surana former Chairperson state women commission, Educationist Prof. Dr.Satish Shastri (Dean, Faculty of Juridical Sciences, MIT) ,Sanjay Biyani (Director Biyani group of College), Sr. journalist Shripal Shaktawat, and Mr.NC Goyal ( Sr. Advocate Raj. High court) delivered speeches about the welfare of women and their rights. They also talked about the present states or changes of women of Rajasthan.
Social Worker Sandeep Bahal (NRUDT), Dr. Beena Agarwal (Vice Prisident RUWA), Nisha Siddhu (NFIW), Nishat Husen (Bharatiya Muslim Mahila Andolan), Avinesh Malik (Navdisha Alwar) Dr.Jyoti Agrwal (Chikitsa jyote Udaipur), Bhawar Kanwar, Sanganer (Jaipur Rural), Seema Patodia (Parsad Vidhyadhar Nagar) Manju Sharma (Parshad JMC) Ravi Kamra, Ladli Sansthan (Sikar) also shared a few words with the gathering. Members of various Social Welfare Services and Women Group from all over the Rajasthan were present in the event and share their views on this very important topic of women empowerment and safety. The present states of women is tried to be shown with the help of this seminar.
After the speeches of the guests, the discussion was declared open for all. Many students asked questions to the experts. And their queries were answered and discussed then. The session was concluded when the girls took an oath not to favor dowry and to fight for their rights. Never be discouraged by the man dominated society and will take right actions at the right time against injustice towards women.